Epic Sundays at the British Museum | The Crick Crack Club
By Hattie Lloyd
Cosmic fire-eaters.
No, this is not a list of people Donald Trump blames for his polling numbers.
It is, in fact, a mere smattering of topics that the Crick Crack Club will be tackling for their Epic Sunday storytelling sessions at the British Museum. They’ll be using that very epic setting to retell ancient myths and legends while surrounded by artifacts from the very era they were created.
But just who are the Crick Crack Club?
Glad you asked.
A motley crew of performers from around the UK, the CCC are all about reviving and transforming the ancient artform of story-telling, employing a three-pronged strategy for success which we have taken the liberty of outlining for you below:
1) Involving professionally trained, award-winning performers – including an actual professor of storytelling – critically acclaimed for their charismatic stage presence and mesmerising physicality.
2) Continuing on the old multitalented theme, by setting the scene with atmospheric and unusual musical accompaniments, ranging from the harp to the sitar, and,
3) Choosing stories from across the globe that you really, definitely don’t want to miss. Expect heroes and heroines who are daring, cunning, and just generally smashing it. Join Odysseus on his accidental decade of a gap year, or hear the 3,500 year-old tale of Gilgamesh’s trials and successes, fierce battles and the search for immortality.
Just think of the stories you can tell about your weekend after.
NOTE: Epic Sundays are taking place on the second Sunday of every month at the British Museum. Tickets cost £8 or £6 for concessions/BM members and are available HERE.
British Museum | Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
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