Despite what social media might have you believe, authenticity isn’t about crystals, or sourdough, or owning an aggressively swirly print reminding us all to live, laugh, and indeed love.
No. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin — even when that can feel like an uncomfortably distant goal. And that’s exactly what our next Nudge Member Talk is all about.
It’a all happening on March 5th, in the downstairs bar of the whimsically quirky Little Violet Door in Soho. There, self-confidence sorceress Holly Matthews will be talking about self-belief, authenticity, and how to step into the most unapologetic version of yourself. And yes, there will be cocktails.
So what makes Holly such an expert? Well, she’s a former actress who then became a self-development coach, founded the Happy Me Project, and then poured a lot of that advice into a TED Talk (currently on half a million views so far), as well as making appearances on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she’s got the receipts, too.
She’s also just written a book – Find Your Confidence – which is all about giving people the tools to show up as their true selves. For this talk, she’ll be taking Nudge Members through her own journey – from quite literally hiding herself to giving talks in front of a whole bunch of strangers (i.e. you) – before getting you actively involved in the proceedings with a few interactive elements. Ahead of the event, she’d also encourage you to take a small first step: wear something you love, something exciting, or something you’ve always wanted to wear but felt a little too self-conscious to pull off.
The space itself is part of the fun too, dressed entirely as an actual flat, with a full kitchen, bathroom, DVD collection, you name it. It’s wonderful. And of course, as usual, your ticket will include a complimentary cocktail upon arrival (either the rum-powered House Punch, the smooth whisky/lemon-laced Honey, or their non-alcoholic versions), as well as a curated food menu, and a bit more mingling and Q&A after the talk ends.
We’re quietly confident it’ll go well.
NOTE: Holly Matthews’ talk on How To Be Your Most Authentic and Unapologetic Self will take place on 5th March (7pm-9pm) downstairs at The Little Violet Door. Tickets cost £15 and include entry and a welcome drink of choice. To get tickets, just head to the “Nudge Member Talk’ box at the top of this page.
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The Little Violet Door | 9 Kingly St, Carnaby, W1B 5PH
While you’re in the area… you should check out Kingly Court.