Editorial Policy

Know what the worst is?

The worst is trying to find cool places to go and things to do in London, only to end up on a website filled with advertising, promoted content and – even worse than both of those things – positive promotions and reviews for events and experiences the website in question is selling tickets for and making money from, and also secretly “boosted” listings for paying partners.

So we don’t do any of that – none of the restaurants, bars or permanent venues listed within The Nudge’s website or app are there because they’re been paid for by anyone – they’re there because our editorial team think they’re good. And as soon as we don’t think they’re good anymore, we remove them from The Nudge pronto.

Life’s too short for us to fill The Nudge will rubbish places, and negative reviews – doing that would just make it harder for you to find cool places to go and things to do.  So we only list the stuff that we think is genuinely good, and worth trying out (though places are always either improving, or going off the boil – so we do rely on our members to let us know when they’ve tried something recommended on The Nudge, and not had a positive experience of it).

Basically, we retain full editorial control over all of the content on our website and in our emails and don’t cover or promote places or experiences that we don’t think are great. However while we NEVER take any payment to promote permanent venues (including all restaurants, bars, markets, galleries, museums etc) on The Nudge, we SOMETIMES take payment from brands in order to either promote specific, one off events which we genuinely think will be good anyway OR to curate our own collection or feature article (ie to promote an area of London) where we again retain full editorial control; OR to promote a product or service which is clearly unrelated to our guide to London (like, say, a new wine subscription service… but again, only if we genuinely think our readers may want to hear about it). In ALL cases described above we very clearly label the content as PARTNER CONTENT, but also A) always retain editorial control, B) only promote things we think readers will like, and C) never email our members (only free subscribers) this partner content UNLESS we really think they’ll want to know about it.

That is all, transparency rules.

Any questions please email The Nudge’s CEO on [email protected]


Team Nudge