Oktoberfest East | Beer Festival
By Jade Ross
Backpfeifengesicht literally means ‘a face that deserves to be slapped’ in German.
Which may be what you want to do to us if we neglected to tell you that Oktoberfest is coming to London, and is bringing with it unlimited steins of original Oktoberfest bier.
This Autumn the world famous Munich beer festival is landing in Bethnal Green giving you the opportunity to enjoy an authentic Oktoberfest experience without exchanging your pounds for a single euro (approximately the current exchange rate).
So, before Brexit trade negotiations strip us of all imported European culture head over to Oktoberfest East at The Oval Space to revel in a Bavarian wunderland, complete with blue skies, Alpine scenery and as many steins of Munich brewed Hacker-Pschorr beer as you can drink.
Those wanting to thoroughly line the stomach can settle down for a three course feast from experimental catering duo The Art of Dining, or market stalls will be offering hearty German snacks including warm pretzel, chunky salads, schnitzel and bratwurst.
When you’ve had your fill dance the night away until 2am to music from Hackney Colliery Band who will be providing a (thankfully not-so-German) soundtrack of your favourite tunes in a unique mix of brass and beats.
Tickets start at £15 for entry to the festival, the £45 Munchen ticket includes reserved seating and a secret gift, or, why not treat yourself to ‘The Full Package’ for £75 and enjoy reserved seating, table service, a three course banquet and unlimited steins of original Oktoberfest bier…
…what’s the wurst that could happen?
NOTE: Oktoberfest East takes place at The Oval Space, E2 from 28th September to 8th October, 12pm-2am. There are a range of ticket options starting at £15 for entry to £75 for reserved seating, table service, a three-course Bavarian feast, and bottomless beer. More details and tickets available HERE.
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