Notting Hill.
Bustling, vibrant, romantic – we’re so enamoured with the area, we were going to make a whole film about it. However after a record-breaking 18 year shoot, it turns out we’ve (somehow) been beaten to it. So we’ve just written an ode in the form of a neighbourhood guide instead.
Delve into the antique arcades crammed with silverware, paintings and the occasional stuffed boar. Eat lunch in the middle of a bookshop. Or peruse the market stalls on a Saturday before settling down for brunch. And beyond that? Notting Hill also boasts boutique cinemas and envelope-pushing theatre in gilded settings; subterranean agave bars; and one of the city’s most niche museums, dedicated, as it is, to the development of brands, packaging and advertising…
Check out our perfectly crafted one-day Notting Hill itinerary here.